What you should know about Terpinolene and its benefits 

Terpinolene, a terpene dominant in about one in ten cannabis strains,
is recognized for its woody smell combined with floral citrus notes.
In addition to its fresh aroma, terpinolene is known for its
antifungal and antibacterial properties ( Turkez, Aydin, Cetin,2014).
In the past, most information about cannabis focused on the therapeutic
benefits of cannabinoids, such as THC and CBD. Now we know terpenes
contribute more than aroma and flavor and can significantly
impact patients’ cannabis treatment outcomes. 
In 2011, Dr. Ethan Russo, a pioneer in Cannabis Therapeutics, introduced
what we now recognize as "the entourage effect," and the importance
of terpenes as the "drivers" of the outcomes cannabis has to offer
(Russo, 2011). 

What is Terpinolene? 

Terpinolene, also known as alpha-terpinolene
or in the research literature as TPO,
is a primary terpene naturally present in lilac, sage,
rosemary, nutmeg, cumin, apple conifer trees, and tea trees.
This terpene is considered lightly to moderately sedative.
Although it is generally present in cannabis cultivars, it is usually
found in moderate amounts and predominantly
in Sativa strains with higher THC content. 

Terpinolene produces a herbal or floral fragrance reminiscent
of pine needles. It is used in cosmetics, soap, insect repellent
(like limonene), and other household items. This terpene is known
for its antioxidant properties and can be a potential anticancer agent in the body. 
Traditional terpinolene uses include natural antiseptic, antifungal,
antibacterial applications, and mild central nervous system depressant,
exhibiting sedative effects, mainly when combined with Linalool. 
In proper dosages, terpinolene-rich essential oils may ease
distress from restless leg syndrome, insomnia,
hypertension, anxiety, and even panic attacks. 

Terpinolene Aroma  

Terpinolene is considered more multidimensional in comparison to other
cannabis terpenes. It is characterized by its particular herb scent,
citrus, and floral hints with piney touches.
It usually stands out for its
fresh fragrance, making it ideal for perfumes,
soaps, and other cosmetic products. Besides, it is used as
a preserving and flavoring agent in the food industry. 
This terpene is an excellent companion compound
with vitamins and other chemical compounds rather than by itself. 

Terpinolene Benefits


Terpinolene has been studied for its antifungal
effects on conditions like toenail fungus and ringworm. 


Terpinolene is a potent antioxidant.
A 2015 study showed that low doses have antioxidant
properties without harming lymphocytes
(Turkez, Aydın, Geyikoglu, & Cetin, 2015). 

Another study showed that it prevents oxidation of LDL cholesterol.
Therefore, terpinolene might have heart health benefits


A 2013 study showed sedative effects after nasal absorptioninto the body
(Shimoadachi-cho, 2013).
Terpinolene is known for its sedative properties, which is recommended
when treating anxiety and insomnia. It is also mixed
with lavender and lilac to treat some sleep disorders.  

Anti Cancer 

A 2013 study found that terpinolene may be a strong antiproliferative
agent for brain tumor cells. These results indicate that terpinolene
may provide defenses against inflammation and
oxidative damage, both associated with cancer.  

Terpinolene in a nutshell 

Its predominant fresh and pleasant fragrance, apart from
its anti-microbial properties, makes terpinolene an ideal ingredient
for cosmetic products like perfumes, lotions, and soaps.
In plants, terpenes are a natural defense against
pests and are commonly used in insect repellents.
In addition, research indicates that terpinolene may present anticancer,
cardiovascular benefits, and anti-anxiety actions.
These findings are undoubtedly deserving of additional clinical studies.
Further investigation mis needed to understand terpinolene as a treatment
for mental health, cancer care, and heart disease to come to any conclusions. 

**Note: As always, with medical conditions and symptoms,
please consult with your doctor for personalized medical advice.
The statements made regarding these products have not
been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
The efficacy of these products has not 
been confirmed by FDA-approved research.
These products are not intended to diagnose, 
treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 


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Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of essential oil
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Russo, E. (2011, August).
Taming THC: Potential cannabis synergy and
phytocannabinoid-terpenoid entourage effects.
Retrieved October 12, 2020, from

Turkez, H., Aydın, E., Geyikoglu, F., & Cetin, D. (2015, May).
Genotoxic and oxidative damage potentials in human lymphocytes
after exposure to terpinolene in vitro.
Retrieved October 16, 2020, from

EF;, G. (n.d.).
The monoterpene terpinolene from the oil of Pinus mugo L.
in concert with alpha-tocopherol and beta-carotene effectively
prevents oxidation of LDL. Retrieved October 16, 2020, from

Department of Pharmacognosy, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Science,
Kyoto University, 46-29 Yoshida-Shimoadachi-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8501, Japan.PMC, E. (n.d.).
Retrieved October 16, 2020, from

The Monoterpene Terpinolene From the Oil of Pinus Mugo L.
In Concert With Alpha-Tocopherol and Beta-Carotene
Effectively Prevents Oxidation of LDL - PubMed https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g 

Terpinolene, a Component of Herbal Sage,
Downregulates AKT1 Expression in K562 Cells - PubMed https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov