What is α-Pinene? 
Pinene is one of the most well-researched terpenes
and one of the primary active compounds in cannabis.
There are two types of pinene structures, alpha and beta.
Alpha-pinene is one of the most abundant terpenes
found in nature and is part of the monoterpene family.
Pinene can be found in pine needles, and it is responsible
for the clean, uplifting aroma that can be experienced
while wandering through a forest of fresh pine trees.
Its earthy scent can also be found in
specific cannabis cultivar profiles. 


Other Sources of Pinene found in Nature: 
Pinene is also found in various fresh herbs such as rosemary,
basil, dill, cedar, eucalyptus, parsley, and some
citrus varietals, like lime and lemon peel.
It is also present in turpentine, which has been used
as a medicine, detergent and paint solvent for thousands of years.


How A-pinene interacts with other Cannabinoids
In synergy with CBD, Pinene can block inflammation
and stimulate antibiotic properties.
CBD and THC as an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor,
pinene has been found to aid in memory retention.
In synergy with THC, pinene promotes
bronchodilatory effects, opening up airways
at low exposure levels to help conditions
like asthma, and may increase alertness.
Alpha-pinene can also counteract THC-induced
anxiety or short-term memory loss
Other benefits include euphoria, reduced oil
production in oily skin, and, most excitingly,
anticancer properties. Studies suggest Alpha-pinene
can stop tumor growth and
supplement chemotherapy treatments.

What does the research say? 

Researchers have focused on Alpha-pinene efficacy for cancer
 depression, pain, and epilepsy, among others. 
A study published in 2013
concluded that Pinene reduced cancer
tumor size and could be considered an anticancer agent. 
Alpha-Pinene has been shown to possess
potent anti-inflammatory effects
which could impact diseases like arthritis,
Crohn’s disease, and Multiple Sclerosis. Also, studies
suggest that due to its impact as a bronchodilator,
 pinene may help manage symptoms related to
bronchitis, asthma, and even COPD.  
Pinene also exhibits a broad spectrum
of antibiotic properties,
which could be useful in preventing MRSA.
Additionally, because of its ability to enhance memory function,
researchers are studying pinene’s 
applications to prevent and treat neurological conditions such
as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Interestingly,
 pinene is unattractive to insects,
highlighting its potential insect-repelling benefits. 

Alpha-pinene in a nutshell: 

Terpenes like pinene are crucial for cannabis therapy.
They can enhance the effects of cannabinoids and
reduce the expected adverse effects. As we mentioned before,
this interaction is known as “the entourage effect”. 
Pinene has many potential benefits. It can act as an anti-inflammatory,
promotes pain relief and relaxation,
 aids in memory and respiratory function, and may
reduce the spread of bacteria and viruses.
Besides, another great benefit is the
excellent taste that adds to different cultivars.  

This information is not intended as medical advice,
it is for educational purposes only. 
As always with medical conditions and symptoms,
please consult with your doctor for personalized medical advice.
  The statements made regarding these products have not
been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
The efficacy of these products has not
been confirmed by FDA-approved research.
These products are not intended to diagnose,
treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Izzo AA, Borrelli F, Capasso R, Di marzo V,
Mechoulam R. Non-psychotropic plant cannabinoids:
new therapeutic opportunities from an ancient herb.
Trends Pharmacol Sci. 2009;30(10):515-27. PDF  

Mechoulam R. Plant cannabinoids:
a neglected pharmacological treasure trove.
Br J Pharmacol. 2005;146(7):913-5. PDF 

Russo, E. (2010).
Taming THC: potential cannabis synergy
and phytocannabinoid-terpenoid
entourage effects. British Journal of Pharmacology, 1348.