Everything You Need To Know About Farnesene And Its Benefits  

Cannabis is no longer defined only by Cannabinoids.
This ancestral plant has over four hundred chemical compounds that work
together to provide a wide variety of therapeutic benefits (Whiteley,2017). 
The chemical components in cannabis include cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids.
The Entourage Effect is the synergistic interaction between
cannabinoids and terpenes (Russo, 2011).
Terpenes determine the smell and taste of different strains and play a crucial
role in the cannabis experience (Witheley, 2017).
There are two hundred terpenes identified, yet only a few have been studied. 
The Terpene Farnesene is commonly found in turmeric, quince, and chamomile.
It is known for its sweet, woody, and herbal aroma and
has shown many therapeutic benefits in recent years.  

What Is Farnesene? 

Farnesene, also known as Trans-β-farnesene, is a sesquiterpene considered
soothing for the mood with calming and sedative effects. 
It is the primary terpene found in green apple skin and is also found in sandalwood,
cedarwood, patchouli, hops, ginger, turmeric, potatoes,
gardenias, ylang-ylang, grapefruit, and myrrh.
Farnesene medical benefits include muscle relaxer,
calming and sedative effects,
anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and antibacterial properties.
Recent studies also suggest that this
terpene might even help with tooth decay. 

Another interesting characteristic of this terpene is that it can
act as a pheromone to repel insects.
Studies have shown that some aphids release
it when they are dying to warn others of danger.  

Farnesene Benefits  

Farnesene’s medicinal value includes having the
ability to surpass the blood-brain barrier and enter the brain tissue. 

Promotes Healthy Digestion 

Farnesene has carminative properties that are very helpful
for spams in the bowel that cause flatulence, cramps,
and other digestive issues (Bian, 2018).
Besides, studies have shown this terpene might inhibit bacteria's growth,
assisting the body to return to homeostasis by killing harmful bacterias.
For example, with Candida Albicans, which is naturally present in the body,
Farnesene rebalances bacterial levels in the digestive tract
(Thakre, Mulange, Kodgire, Zore, & Karuppayil, 2016). 


In a 2013 study, alpha-farnesene was found to have anti-cariogenic
properties that may help fight carcinogenic bacteria,
like Lactobacillus acidophilus, that causes tooth decay
(Ishnava, Chauhan, & Barad, 2013). 

Anti-fungal and Antibacterial 

Similar to other terpenes, Farnesene can be an anti-fungal
and an antibacterial. These properties are seen mainly
with aphids and their capability to be considered a pheromone
(Ishnava, Chauhan, & Barad, 2013). 


Farnesene is present in turmeric,
which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties.  

Anxiety Relief & Antispasmodic: 

As mentioned earlier, this terpene is known for
its sedative and calming effects that might
help with anxiety and relax muscles.  

Farnesene In A Nutshell: 

Farnesene is commonly recognized for
being present in green apple skin and is responsible for its aroma.
The health benefits of Farnesene have shown promising results.
In addition, this terpene is considered to be a natural repellent.
It is also used as a flavoring agent, added to greases, lubricants,
plastic, rubber, and personal care products. As always,
we are only in the infancy stages of knowing terpenes' full potential. 


Ishnava, K., Chauhan, J., & Barad, M.
(2013, January). Anticariogenic and phytochemical evaluation of Eucalyptus globules Labill., from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3730900/ 

Bian, G. (2018).
Farnesene. from https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/farnesene 

Thakre, A., Mulange, S., Kodgire, S., Zore, G., & Karuppayil, S. (2016, August 02).
Effects of Cinnamaldehyde, Ocimene, Camphene, Curcumin, and Farnesene on Candida albicans.https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=69427 
